Hi This is

Adiansyah Dwiki

Full-stack Web Developer

About Me

I am an experienced web developer focusing on Laravel Vue application development. I have over two years of experience in developing various web applications, including e-commerce and project management applications. I am proficient in programming languages ​​such as PHP, HTML, and JavaScript, as well as using MySQL as a database. I enjoy working in a team and can work well under pressure. With my technical background and excellent interpersonal skills, I am confident that I can provide the best solutions for any project I handle.

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What I do

Front-end Development

Designing and creating applications or websites that are user-friendly, responsive, and interactive.

Back-end Development

Designing or developing software on the server side related to logic and database.


Give advice to clients about IT use to meet business targets or help problem solving from client problems.

  • Education

  • State Polytechnic of Malang

    2017 - 2020

    D3 Informatics Management.

  • State Vocational High School 10 Malang

    2013 - 2016

    Computer and Network Engineering.

  • Experience

  • Full-stack Web Dev - PT Neosoft Teknologi Asia

    Nov 2022 - Present

    Developed web applications (POS) using Laravel and Vue.js frameworks, with complex frameworks including multiple databases, API integrations and interactive frontends.

  • Full-stack Web Dev - PT. Mutiara Masyhur Sejahtera

    Sep 2021 - May 2023

    Developed and maintained web applications (ERP) using Laravel and Vue.js frameworks.

  • Full-stack Web Dev - PT. Anak Negeri Technology

    Jan 2021 - Sep 2021

    Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including designers and QA engineers, to deliver high-quality software products within tight deadlines.

  • Intern Laravel Dev - PLN Madiun

    Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

    Create WorkOrder information system

My Remarkable Works